Drawings with Black Rocks
Nathalie Du Pasquier

Available on Apple Books

20 Pages
14 x 20 cm
b/w Photocopy
First Edition 2013
100 Copies

All Titles by Nathalie Du Pasquier

Original Artworks
Drawing 1 (Nieves Zines Catalogue)
Drawing 2 (Nieves Zines Catalogue)
Drawing 3 (Nieves Zines Catalogue)
Drawing 4 (Nieves Zines Catalogue)


Drawings with Black Rocks was made in the summer as I was spending my holiday in the mountains. The mountains where I stayed were not rocky, but the whole landscape was so idyllic that I felt like doing something a bit punk. That’s why this zine is called Drawings with Black Rocks.The drawings are not punk at all even though they are done in black. Nathalie Du Pasquier

Nathalie Du Pasquier was born in Bordeaux (France) in 1957, she lives in Milan (Italy) since 1979. Until 1986 she worked as a designer and is a founding member of Memphis. She designed numerous ‘Decorated Surfaces’: Textiles, carpets, plastic laminates, and some furniture and objects. In 1987 painting became her main activity.

The original printed edition of this zine is sold out. It is available as electronic zine (ePub) for Apple devices from the link above. You may request the direct ePub file for other compatible devices ($2.99).