Here and There 7
Nakako Hayashi

64 Pages
21 x 29.7 cm
Japanese / English
b/w Offset
First Edition 2007
ISBN 978-3-905714-32-6

All Titles by Nakako Hayashi

Susan Cianciolo, Pascale Gatzen, Mark Borthwick, Kenneth Andrew Mroczek, Ruthie Doyle, Julian Gatto, Yukinori Maeda, Takashi Homma, Anne Daems, Mike Mills, Kim Gordon, Elein Fleiss, Kenshu Shintsubo, Jeff Burch, Kasane Nagawa and Benjamin Sommerhalder

Here and There Vol.7 is dedicated to the cities of Paris and Tokyo, looking at them through the eyes of its wide contributors’ family spread around the world. We are taken into a whirlwind of overlapping stories and emotions, through the words and images of Takashi Homma, Elein Fleiss, Susan Cianciolo, Julian Gatto, Kim Gordon, Mike Mills, Benjamin Sommerhalder and most importantly Nakako Hayashi, the mind behind it all.

This issue is also filled with a few extra special interviews to Pascale Gatzen, Susan Cianciolo, Yukinori Maeda and texts by Jeff Burch, all adding up to 64 truly inspirational pages.