Ceda El Paso
Mark Borthwick

Available on Apple Books

24 Pages
14 x 20 cm
b/w Photocopy
First Edition 2014
100 Copies


Experimental filmmaker, photographer and musician Mark Borthwick became well known for his award winning avant-garde fashion photography. His perceptive and seemingly effortless images evoke the satisfactions of home, family and harmony with nature. His photos are often minimal and crisp, yet somewhat 'blown-out' in terms of colour saturation. He has contributed to many publications, including Vogue, Purple, and Index. Ceda el Paso features a selection of the photographer's lesser known drawings, doodles and writings.

The original printed edition of this zine is sold out. It is available as electronic zine (ePub) for Apple devices from the link above. You may request the direct ePub file for other compatible devices ($2.99).