Kelp Stingray

Available on Apple Books

24 Pages
14 x 20 cm
b/w Photocopy
First Edition 2010
150 Copies

Kelp Stingray is a book of drawings by Marc Bell and Matthew Thurber. But it is also much more than that. Much more. It is an examination of spine spheres and icon erasers. Of megacones and the hatred of them. In the pages of Kelp Stingray, one can read about political points of view (artists should be the first to go “useless”) and discover new products (Joseph Beuys chair design). A handy afterword written by Josef Boys himself describes the story of Mike and Glen and their involvement in the creation of a popular hit single by the musical recording artist Loccyog. Kelp Stingray is the return of the insane klowns of the 90’s and also includes a cameo appearance from the Fat Ramones.

Marc Bell is the editor of Nog A Dod and the creator of several other books including Shrimpy and Paul and Friends, The Stacks and Hot Potatoe [sic]. He lives and works in Canada. Matthew Thurber is the author of the comic book series 1-800-MICE. He lives in Brooklyn and produces drawing and writing and performs as Ambergris.

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