Kö>Mix Sany>Mix
Available on Apple Books
36 Pages
14 x 20 cm
b/w Photocopy
First Edition 2008
150 Copies
Titles by
Trees 2014-24
This Comic/Erotic/Poet zine is a collaboration between Körner Union and Reala. It features the comics Mickey Has a Gun, Factorius and Cornel + the pictorial sequence Érotisme de Mal. Körner Union is a swiss team, working mostly with illustration, photography and art. Samuel Nyholm is part of the swedish design collective Reala. All are teachers at ECAL in Lausanne and founding members of the New Thing movement.
The original printed edition of this zine is sold out. It is available as electronic zine (ePub) for Apple devices from the link above. You may request the direct ePub file for other compatible devices ($2.99).