Moment to Moment
Available on Apple Books
20 Pages
14 x 20 cm
b/w Photocopy
First Edition 2009
150 Copies
Jacob Ciocci’s drawings are collages of pop cultural objects, images and video, including GIFS downloaded from the internet. Like reliquaries, the works assemble fearful mementos of childhood: monsters who personify a child’s fear of adulthood and the wider world. Reminding us perhaps of Cornell’s boxes, Ciocci’s collections offer a metaphorical passage back to earlier times, to a pre-adult period of imagination and questioning.
Jacob Ciocci is an American visual artist, performance artist and musician. Along with sister Jessica Ciocci (1976) and friend Ben Jones (1977), he is one of the three remaining founding members of Paper Rad, an artist collective founded in 2000 and based in both Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and Providence.
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