Le Bloc Noir
Available on Apple Books
24 Pages
14 x 20 cm
b/w Photocopy
First Edition 2012
100 Copies
Le Bloc Noir combines drawings of fields, landscapes, spread like devastated feelings. Spaces deprived of human bodies, catching the decay of life. The Black is darkness. The Block is a wall, a mountain, a rock. All is abstruseness and desolation. We’re like in an armor, nothing happens any longer. (Translation by Hélène Laurent)
Emmanuelle Pidoux lives and works in Dunkerque, France. She runs with Frédéric Fleury a publishing house called editions of 57, and is one of the founding members of the famous Frederic Magazine drawing collective. Born in 1970, and active as an artist since the 90s, her drawings can be found in more than one hundred zines and books.
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