Cillit Bang, Dash, Omo and Friends
Available on Apple Books
112 Pages
19.5 x 25.5 cm
b/w Offset
First Edition 2011
ISBN 978-3-905714-97-5
Original Artworks
Drawing 1 (Nieves Zines Catalogue)
Drawing 2 (Nieves Zines Catalogue)
Drawing 3 (Nieves Zines Catalogue)
Drawing 4 (Nieves Zines Catalogue)
Beni Boschof draws wild and intuitive on everything within reach of his hands. In this manner he compiled several thick books, all unique, each page an original. Mysterious structures, cross-eyed figures and words, that somehow sound strangly familiar... Cillit Bang, Dash, Omo and Friends combines a selection from the original books into a singular new publication.
Beni Bischof is the ultimate mix and matcher: in all his work he combines and adapts existing images, texts and situations. His work can be read as an ironic commentary on the banality of everyday life. And he doesn’t spare his own kind. He finds inspiration in everyday objects like dime novels, fashion, magazines, advertisements, but also in the virtual world.