Sabian Baumann

Available on Apple Books

Co-Published with innen

20 Pages Pages
14 x 20 cm
b/w Photocopy
First Edition 2024
150 Copies

All Titles by Sabian Baumann

Original Artworks
Drawing 1 (Nieves Zines Catalogue)
Drawing 2 (Nieves Zines Catalogue)
Drawing 3 (Nieves Zines Catalogue)
Drawing 4 (Nieves Zines Catalogue)


Sabian Baumann works in the mediums of object art/sculpture, film/video, and installation, but above all, drawing, and has exhibited both domestically and internationally. In addition to individual exhibitions, since 1996, Baumann has repeatedly initiated and organized collaborative, transdisciplinary art projects from a queer and intersectional-feminist perspective, most recently in 2022 with the activist documentary film Who Owns The Sky.

"The drawings presented here are playful, quickly created sketches from a 2012 notebook. In my sketch sheets and notebooks, all kinds of ideas are recorded in a rather “uncensored” manner. They serve as the archive for most of my larger drawings. Rarely, sculptures, entire installations or other projects are also sketched. Some drawings are reproduced almost exactly and enlarged, but most are expanded with additional details, ideas are combined, compositions are changed, and much more. Some sketches find their way into larger works as details or serve as inspiration for details in later pieces, such as these flowers. Many sketches remain in the notebooks without anyone seeing them. Some I show to those closest to me. O.T. is the first of three zines showcasing sketches from the last 10-15 years. This zine is part of a three-issue series, the following two publications will be released with innen in 2025."

The essence of Sabian Baumann’s drawing work, exhibited in art spaces, can be summed up in the following sentence: Normality is an exception in space and time. The differences between cultures and scenes, languages and mentalities, decades and centuries are obvious. These differences cannot be translated into one another or eliminated. Individuals are unique collages. The self is composed of various facets such as genes, knowledge, habitus, food, etc. The substance we are made of is as old as the universe.

In the drawings, quotations from various aesthetics – from art, popular culture, photography, and Baumann’s “own” aesthetic – represent this disparate patchwork that we and the world are. Values are re-evaluated through paradoxes, lyrical moments, and humor.

The original printed edition of this zine is sold out. It is available as electronic zine (ePub) from the link above. You may request the direct ePub file for other compatible devices ($2.99).