Un Ange Passe
Orfeo Tagiuri

Available on Apple Books

28 Pages Pages
14 x 20 cm
b/w Photocopy
First Edition 2023
100 Copies

Original Artworks
Un Ange Passe (Series)
Un Ange Passe (Series)
Un Ange Passe (Series)


I recently met a young man who told me how previously he had found it difficult to be around his family where disputes would constantly arise. Now, many years after he initially moved out, he has found a peaceful way to re-enter his home. In the meditative focus of preparing meals alongside his mother they are wrapped in a quiet calm. He told me this French phrase ‘un Ange passe,’ (an angel passes) which, as I understand it, refers to a prolonged silence. In his case it was the effect of a collective enjoyment of a meal that allowed for a pause in the otherwise hectic familial atmosphere.

This zine collects several drawings that are born out of my own angel joyfully passing. They’re development coincides with a blossoming love and to make them I settle into a peaceful state where the drawing could naturally flow. The original artworks were made in black ink, used to depict the exterior of each subject and red ink that depicted the symbolic interiors. In the midst of the whirlwind of everyday life this zine and process have represented for me a conscious effort at finding stillness. I hope that in sharing these works, this approach can ripple out beyond my own experience. Orfeo Tagiuri

Orfeo Tagiuri (b. 1991, Brookline, MA, USA) lives and works in London. Orfeo’s practice spans from painting and drawing to performance, film, woodcarving, animation, and music. The artist has exhibited and performed internationally, including at the Palais de Tokyo, Paris (2018), at Fiorucci Art Trust’s Volcano Extravaganza (2016), MACRO, Rome (2021) and the ICA, London (2015). In 2020 Orfeo was nominated for Bloomberg New Contemporaries award.

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