James Ulmer

Available on Apple Books

20 Pages
14 x 20 cm
b/w Photocopy
First Edition 2022
100 Copies

Titles by James Ulmer

Situations presents a selection of small drawings made by James Ulmer over the past year. The drawings were made mostly at home and offer an immediate look into the artist process.

While James Ulmer’s drawings may evoke memories of childhood innocence, their complexity and precision belie the notions of simplicity or nostalgia. Beautifully and carefully made, they convey both his talents as a draftsman, and his understanding of how to convey emotion. Ulmer graduated from the University of the Arts in 2005 with a degree in Illustration and Design and was awarded the Thorton Oakly Medal by the Society of Illustrators. Ulmer was a member of the Philadelphia’s legendary Space 1026 Collective from 2008-2011. Ulmer has recently shown work at V1 gallery in Denmark, The Pit in Los Angles and The Hole in New York and has recently published a book titled Paintings and Drawings with Hassla Books. James Ulmer lives and works in Queens New York.

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