Erik Steinbrecher

Co-Published with

48 Pages
11.2 x 17.8 cm
Soft Cover
Color Offset
First Edition 2019
ISBN 978-3-907179-06-2

All Titles by Erik Steinbrecher

Ausmalbuch (coloring book) by Erik Steinbrecher is a handy album with new works on paper. In his own way, Steinbrecher roughly arranges montages, collages, silhouettes and fine sketches. But the title of the book is kidding us. This coloring book is already colored in and finished. Let‘s get infected by the artist and just keep on shaping.

Erik Steinbrecher was born in Basel in 1963 and lives in Berlin. Steinbrecher is known to a wide international audience particularly since his participation in documenta X (1997) as well as further major institutional presentations such as at Kunst-Werke in Berlin, MoMA PS1 in New York, the Kunsthalle Vienna, the Museum Haus Konstruktiv in Zurich or The Weserburg Museum of Modern Art in Bremen. His work as artist has developed in two main directions; the areas of sculpture and architecture as well as the realm of publication. Steinbrecher released numerous books and printed matters, which always expose a strong conceptual idea and function as independent artworks.