The Five Elements and Jessica Rabbit
Olga Prader

Available on Apple Books

20 Pages
14 x 20 cm
b/w Photocopy
First Edition 2009
150 Copies

Olga Prader's engraved epic reminds me, surprisingly, more of Sartre's vision of hell in ‘Huis Close’ than of Picasso's ‘Suite Vollard’, although the strictly formally paraphrase of the latter is as obvious as brilliant. Prader's four elementary archetypes are suffering a predictable and repetitive social intercourse, their positions are locked and no major change in the sequence is likely to happen (even if it does). The drawings, however, contains an exuberant dynamics. Prader, unlike most generation peers, is more oriented towards a subjective, imagination driven expression than smart and trendy stylistics.If you love Picasso, you will love Prader even more! Sany

Olga (1986) comes from Paris and studies Graphic Design in Lausanne, Switzerland since 2007. She started drawing very nude people in Versailles in 2001.